Flagship Events & Projects
In NUS Malay Studies Society, we have several flagship events and projects that we conduct annually including:
1. Undergraduate Forum
Aimed at encouraging youth involvement and contribution towards community development, the Undergraduate Forum is a student-led initiative that engages youths in round table discussions regarding issues that are highly relevant in today’s society. Sharing sessions with selected panellists and student participants cultivated lively discussions with different points of view that are crucial in moulding critical reasoning among undergraduates. Therefore, this forum seeks to equip our undergraduates with a heightened sense of social awareness and to motivate them to take the initiative as leaders of this generation.
2. Malam Kesenian
Malam Kesenian, or Cultural Appreciation Night, is an annual production that highlights and celebrates the richness of the Malay culture through the showcasing of the various Malay cultural art forms for holistic appreciation. As one of MSS’s flagship events, it aims to tap on the evolving nature of the Malay culture over time and space in hopes of achieving a greater appreciation for the Malay culture by all communities. Malam Kesenian often offers a good performance line-up ranging from Malay dance to percussion ensemble and it’s little wonder that this event is a highly anticipated one. Various art groups, be it from NUS or outside, have been part of Malam Kesenian for the past years, namely NUS Ilsa Tari, NUS & NTU Dikir, NUS Silat & SMU Rentak.
3. Coretan
Coretan is an annual magazine published by students of NUS Malay Studies Society (NUS MSS). The magazine aims to be a platform for undergraduates to express and exchange their thoughts in concrete form and is an alternative medium for undergraduates to showcase their achievements, views and creativity, and to hone their writing skills. It is our hope that with Coretan, we are able to increase intellectual exchanges and discussions, and create awareness and sensitivity amongst undergraduates towards socio-political issues that plague the society at large.
4. Ad-hoc Events
On-top of the events and projects above, we also have the flexibility to embark on other events from joint collaborations with other societies and external organisation (such as NUS Interfaith and Malay Heritage Centre) to member-initiated events to discuss problems that we find pertinent at that particular time. This includes events such as the Canvas Series (2019) and the 'Sexuality Matters!: Taboos and Anxieties' event.