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  • Do I have to be Malay or speak fluent Malay to participate in MSS events?
    Don’t worry about having to be fluent in Malay because most, if not all our discussions and engagements, are in English. Furthermore, our events are not meant for the Malay community only; the issues we are addressing are relevant and pressing, hence they should be a concern for the society as a whole. The reading resources shared in our instagram are also in English and if you have some readings you like to share, please feel free to DM us @malaystudiessociety!
  • What kind of issues is MSS concerned about?
    MSS are generally about issues concerning the Malay community, we also pay attention to the relations between the community and its bigger social surroundings and. However, our events are often linked to the wider issues or problems that exist within the society, for instance, issues such as Islam & Secularism, Gender & Sexuality and more of such topics! We engage in meaningful discussions to probe deeper into the issue and discover the different angles on how to go about tackling these problems that are deeply entrenched in our very own society.
  • Do I have to be well versed in areas of politics and communal issues to be part of the executive committee of MSS?
    Having some form of background knowledge will be good but it is definitely not compulsory at all! We are all here to learn together, and the most important part of being in MSS EXCO is the passion you have in discussing these issues in our community that may have been neglected or are hardly addressed! We also constantly share reading resources with each other to keep ourselves updated and informed on various social issues. If you would like to view these recommended readings, you can head on to our Instagram and check them out. If you have some readings you like to share, please feel free to DM us on Instagram too @malaystudiessociety, or alternatively, you could email us at!
  • Does MSS touch on religious issues? If yes, what aspects of religious matter?"
    MSS do engage in discourses regarding religious matters but our focus is more centered around the problems people are facing in their daily lives as well as the societal structures that exist that affect our ability to comprehend and apply what we learnt from Islamic knowledge. We employ multi-disciplinary perspectives as a way to comprehend these issues, even when the issue at hand is religious in nature. For example, when we are discussing religious issues, our discussion is not about the reinforcement of Islamic values and what is right or wrong. Rather, we focus on the sociological, economic, political, historical, and even philosophical factors surrounding the issue. We also take into account the various actors, especially stakeholders who have power and influence, that are part of the issue, and scrutinise their roles and positions in the problem.
  • Is MSS under NUS PBMUKS or MS?
    We are an entirely separate society but even so, our societies may work together, especially when our objectives overlap. We have worked with both societies too in the past, and will continue to work on projects where our interests and intended objectives are the same.
  • Does MSS only engage in intellectual discussions?
    No, absolutely not! We also conduct activities that could engage our audience through meaningful games and activities. Don’t worry about coming to our events with little knowledge about some issues because ultimately, we are all here to learn! What we value most from our members and participants is their willingness to share from their own perspectives and personal experiences. We also invite speakers who are well-versed in their respective fields for some of our events so that they can provide various insights into specific issues. This allows us to engage with issues on a deeper level, so we can understand our community better. So if you are keen on being an active member in MSS, do partake in our events and who knows you may even be inspired to be part of the next MSS EXCO ;)
  • What's the commitment like if I join MSS?
    The commitment depends on your role in MSS, whether you are a member or part of the Executive Committee (EXCO). We also consider the skills that you can bring to the table. If you're interested in joining but would like to know more about the commitment involved, drop us a message through our social media platforms below! We would love to address your concerns

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10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 

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